[. . . ] Voksne bør ha oppsyn med små barn for å sørge for at de følger de oppførte anbefalningene over. [. . . ] If you experience any discomfort, you should stop using this product and watching the 3D video images until the discomfort ends; consult a doctor if you believe necessary. You should also review (i) the instruction manual of your television, as well as any other device or media used with your television and (ii) Sony website for the latest information. The vision of young children (especially those under six years old) is still under development. Consult your doctor (such as a pediatrician or eye doctor) before allowing young children to watch 3D video images or play stereoscopic 3D games. Adults should supervise young children to ensure they follow the recommendations listed above. Ώ You should only use this product for watching 3D video images on a compatible Sony television. [. . . ] Ώ Never use strong solvents such as a thinner, alcohol or benzine for cleaning. [. . . ]